Mission Statement
Folsom Lake College is committed to providing quality athletic programs that enrich and empower students to reach their full potential as informed and productive members of the community. FLC intercollegiate athletics will provide student athletes with opportunities that lead to their academic success and personal development, as well as foster self-fulfillment through athletics.
The individual rights and academic goals of the student athlete will not be compromised by the desire of the college to conduct successful athletic programs. Participation in the athletics program will augment the student’s formal education and will teach the life skills of cooperation, teamwork, perseverance and mutual respect. The athletics program is devoted to abiding by the rules and regulations set forth by the CCCAA, the Big 8 Conference, and Folsom Lake College’s vision and mission.
The goal of Folsom Lake College Athletics is to maintain a balance between academic progress and athletic participation. Student athletes are expected to perform to their ability level in the classroom and in their sport.
Student athletes who continue to meet the Athletic and Academic Standards of the California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA) and Folsom Lake College will be allowed to represent Folsom Lake College in intercollegiate athletic participation.
Furthermore, should conflicts arise between the academic requirements of the student athlete and the intercollegiate athletic program that cannot be resolved through college policy or excused absences for athletic contest participation, the academic requirements will take precedent.
The college encourages student athletes to be proactive in their pursuit and attainment of their educational goal, adhere to student requirements and conduct regulations, be involved in Associated Students activities, and treat their athletic participation as a privilege, not a right. The college is committed to providing fair and equitable opportunities for both sexes and encourages student athletes to demonstrate culturally competent behaviors, attitudes, and traits; all of which are necessary skills in the 21st century global marketplace.